Oscart meets Pixabay

Images appeal to the imagination and say so much more than words. Images stimulate and stick to the retina. In short, just as a presentation should not contain an abundance of text, smart screen communication is much more efficient and convincing with strong images.

That is why we want to make it easy for our users to find striking images from now on. Thanks to the integration of Pixabay into Oscart, our users now have thousands of copyright-free images available.


Pixabay.com is a popular website with photos, illustrations, vector graphics, footage and music. The modified Pixabay license allows free use of all media files.

The link between Oscart and Pixabay works very easily. In the 'Data sources' menu and in the Oscart media library you will find 'Import Pixabay'. There you enter a description or name and select the recovered images that you want to import into your media library. Finished! Now you can place the imported images on a page with the image widget.

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