Billiet Vanlaere

Slides 2024: Sustainability, Innovation and AI in Action

🌍✨ Oscart shone at Dia's 2024! To participate, we had to submit a proven and successful project - and we proudly submitted it: an inspiring solution that brings together sustainability, efficiency and a touch of AI.

In an impressive 5000 m² showroom full of global inspiration, we demonstrated our advanced digital signage solution. Thanks to the powerful cloud-based Oscart platform, which integrates Digital Signage, touch functionalities, IPTV and meeting room solutions, we showed our vision on future-oriented communication.

Inspired by Henok's creative vision, we presented our project visually, with an emphasis on accessibility and progress for young and old. 😉

📹 Watch the video and discover how technology, sustainability and young talent are shaping the future!

hashtagInnovation hashtagCloudBasedPlatform hashtagDigitalSignage hashtagIPTV hashtagMeeting rooms hashtagSustainability hashtagAI hashtagFuture