Try & buy widgets!

Try & buy widgets The content editor in Oscart has numerous widgets that we make available to our customers as standard and free of charge: text, images, video, RSS, (countdown) clock, timer, weather report, etc. With these widgets you can create fantastic
Score with social widgets: cross-media marketing on the shop or business floor

Social media is immensely popular and its use is still increasing. Did you know that a recent survey by IMEC shows that more than 8 in 10 Flemish people use at least
Now available: the Oscart Quick Content app

Quickly and easily adjust content on screens thanks to our app We have worked hard on a new app that allows our customers to adjust the content of their screens in 1-2-3. Speed and, above all, simplicity are key
GeoXYZ chooses Oscart

GeoXYZ, top company from Zwevegem The international top company GeoXYZ has resolutely opted for Oscart's smart screen communication. The West Flemish company with headquarters
De Druivelaar will also be on your digital screens in 2021

At the beginning of this year, INNI Group and Oscart Group decided to offer De Druivelaar for free as a widget. Numerous digital screens in residential care centers and hospitals, shops and offices are becoming part of everyday life
Corona-proof livestream in Sint Vincentius residential care center

On September 27, 2020, the patron saint 'Saint Vincentius' was celebrated in the residential care center, according to annual tradition. Due to the coronavirus, residents and apartment residents were unable to celebrate this edition together. Saint Vincent went looking for one <
Oscart and Tele-Signal are now two hands on one screen

Oscart, the software specialist in screen applications, is joining forces with Tele-Signal, the system integrator of audiovisual screens. From now on, Oscart will function as a skilled one-stop shop for digital screens, an easy cloud platform and
Digital eye-catchers at Haelvoet

Haelvoet is thoroughly enjoying their new 'digital eye-catchers' in the reception, showroom, production areas and meeting rooms. A great example of how digital communication can help companies boost their brand. All screens are connected to Oscar
Oscart Family Competition @ Golf & Country Club De Palingbeek

To end the Junior season, we could count on a wonderful turnout again this year. Grandmas, grandpas, dads, moms, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, everyone participated with full enthusiasm in the family event sponsored by Osc