Terms & conditions

1. General
These are the terms of use (“”Conditions””) under which the user (“”User””) can use the websites and services of Oscart Group NV.

These Terms and Conditions constitute a binding agreement between User and Oscart Group NV, with registered office at Politieke Gevangenenstraat 27, 8530 Harelbeke, Belgium. By using an Oscart Group NV website, the User unconditionally and irrevocably accepts the full application of all these Terms and Conditions. Users who do not agree to any of these Terms should not continue to view or use this website. The Oscart Group NV websites contain a number of functions and services, including offering digital signage. Oscart Group NV reserves the right to change the content of its websites at any time at its sole discretion. Oscart Group NV also reserves the right to revise, change, shorten or expand these Terms and Conditions at any time, solely by posting a new version of them on its websites. Oscart Group NV reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny or suspend access to its websites to Users who violate these Terms in any way.

2. Right of access and intellectual eproperty rights
Provided that the User strictly complies with these conditions, the User has the right to access the websites of Oscart Group NV and to use the services that Oscart Group NV offers on its websites. These conditions remain fully in force and in effect for as long as the user uses the services and/or websites of Oscart Group NV. Oscart Group NV reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without being liable for any liability, to deny or suspend Users' access to its services and websites immediately and without prior warning or reminder if those Users violate one or more provisions. violate these terms. All intellectual property rights to the content of the Oscart Group NV websites (designs, layout, texts, images and sound material, logos, models, information, etc.) belong to Oscart Group NV or its licensors. The User undertakes to carefully respect these intellectual property rights at all times. The user will be fully and unlimitedly liable for all damage, including consequential damage, resulting from the fact that the user uses the Oscart Group NV websites in a way that affects the intellectual property rights of Oscart Group NV and/or its licensors. Unless expressly stated otherwise by Oscart Group NV, no intellectual property rights are assigned or granted in these terms and conditions, either expressly or tacitly.

3. Rights and obligations of the Users
Any other special agreements that the User concludes with Oscart Group NV also apply to the use of the websites and services of Oscart Group NV. If expressly provided, the provisions of these special agreements also take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
Users acknowledge that it is prohibited to:

  • use the websites of Oscart Group NV in a manner that is contrary to any applicable law or regulation, such as but not limited to the legislation on the protection of privacy, the legislation on the protection of intellectual property rights, the legislation on the protection of public order and public morality, legislation on computer crime.
  • post any material that is defamatory, libelous, implicitly or explicitly offensive, vulgar, obscene, threatening, abusive, hateful, racist, discriminatory or of a menacing nature or is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience, embarrassment or anxiety or harm to any person or contains a link to pornographic, indecent or sexually explicit material of any kind.
  • to carry out operations that place an unreasonable, exceptionally large or otherwise inconvenient burden on the infrastructure of Oscart Group NV.
  • use tools to navigate or search on the websites of Oscart Group NV, with the exception of the tools available on the websites of Oscart Group NV and the normally free third-party search engines available on the internet.
  • use data mining, robots or similar means for collecting or extracting data.
  • to breach or attempt to breach the security of an Oscart Group NV website, including testing, scanning or testing the vulnerability of a website, system or network.
  • falsify the information on a website of Oscart Group NV.
  • disrupt the operation of an Oscart Group NV website.
  • to collect, copy or imitate information from the Oscart Group NV websites in any way, including all information from the past.
  • post incorrect or misleading information.
  • use the website to post computer viruses.
  • encourage illegal activities.
  • share access codes with third parties.
  • access third-party data or use third-party access codes.
  • to change information belonging to third parties, whether or not users of the Oscart Group NV websites.

Users who violate one or more of these prohibitions will be liable for any damage they cause, be it to Oscart Group NV or to third parties. Violation of one or more of these prohibitions may lead to criminal and/or civil prosecution. Oscart Group NV will fully cooperate with the judicial authorities responsible for investigating any violations of these prohibitions.

4. Special conditions for Customers
A customer who terminates his account agrees that Oscart Group NV will delete all his data from its websites and databases, including media and all information that Oscart Group NV keeps relating to the customer. Customer is entitled to post 2 free vacancies on the Oscart Group NV website. Posting of the third vacancy and subsequent ones will only take place against payment. To post a vacancy against payment, the Customer will first conclude a special agreement with Oscart Group NV. The terms and conditions of this special agreement will take precedence over these Terms and Conditions.

Customers will not use their account to:
Post careless, incorrect or misleading information. The Customer will only use the information he obtains by using the Oscart Group NV websites in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Oscart Group NV websites and in accordance with the applicable legislation in the field of privacy protection and the processing of personal data. In particular, this information will under no circumstances be made public or handed over to third parties without the express consent of those to whom the information relates and/or to whom the information belongs. Oscart Group NV reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to exclude any vacancy or to terminate or suspend its posting on its website if it believes that it is not in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to its websites, and this without any right to compensation or reimbursement from the customer. In addition, any customer who violates the terms and conditions of the Oscart Group NV websites is unlimitedly liable for all damage caused by that violation to Oscart Group NV and third parties, including consequential damage.

5. User Information
Users are fully responsible for all information (such as data, texts, software, music, sound clips, photos, graphics, images) that they place on the Oscart Group NV websites. Oscart Group NV has the right to refuse or remove information posted by Users if Oscart Group NV believes that placement of the material is unauthorized for any reason, and this at its sole discretion, without being liable for any liability. By placing information on the websites of Oscart Group NV, Users grant Oscart Group NV the right to publish, distribute, copy and modify that information.

6. Intellectual Property Rights
Users are prohibited from posting information on the Oscart Group NV websites on which third parties can assert intellectual property rights. Users who do not comply with this prohibition expose themselves to legal prosecution, to which Oscart Group NV will cooperate if necessary. Oscart Group NV has the right to immediately and without prior warning or reminder close the account of users who do not comply with this prohibition.

7. Disclaimer
Oscart Group NV is not liable for the information that users post on its website. Oscart Group NV is not obliged to investigate, screen or censor that information. Oscart Group NV is therefore not liable for the content, quality, accuracy, suitability, reliability, completeness, topicality or legality of the information posted by users on its website. Oscart Group NV does not provide any guarantee with regard to the error-free, problem-free and uninterrupted operation of its websites or services. Oscart Group NV is not liable for any damage resulting from any computer viruses and/or malicious software that may appear on its websites. Downloading, installing, storing or using information and software from the Oscart Group NV websites is done under the full and exclusive responsibility of the users. Oscart Group NV also does not provide any guarantee with regard to the suitability of its websites, services or the information contained on its websites for any particular purpose. If the websites of Oscart Group NV contain links to third-party websites, Oscart Group NV will under no circumstances be liable for the content of those websites and for the consequences of the use of those websites.

Oscart Group NV accepts no liability for any damage in any form whatsoever, including causal and consequential damage, loss, lost profit, missed opportunity, lost data, work interruption, that may arise from the use or inability to use the service, the websites or of the information on the websites of Oscart Group NV.

8. Applicable law
The user acknowledges that the electronic communication he conducts with Oscart Group NV has the legal force of written evidence. These terms of use as well as the use itself of the services and websites of Oscart Group NV are subject to Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, the courts and tribunals of the judicial district in which the registered office of Oscart Group NV is located have exclusive jurisdiction. The invalidity, nullity or unenforceability of one or more of the provisions of these terms of use does not result in the invalidity, nullity or unenforceability of the other provisions, which remain fully valid.